Thursday 20 October 2016

Key Frame Animation

This week our task was to animate a model that we did in the other tasks. I chose to animate my mini golf model, I animated the windmill spinning, and also animated the ball, falling onto the floor and rolling through the windmill "tunnel" and into the hole.

This is a screenshot of my golf ball on frame one. It then falls onto the ground in frame 50, bounces and rolls through the tunnel into the hole. I did this by capturing a key frame of the ball first making impact with the ground, and then another one of it in the air and further along, and then another one again making impact with the ground, this gave me a bounce animation to make the ball look like it was skidding along the ground. I then added another key frame of the ball on the edge of the hole, so it would roll through the tunnel, and then another key frame of the ball at the bottom of the hole so it would drop into the hole.

I also animated my windmill to spin for the duration of the animation. I did this by combining the two "sails" of the windmill with the "axle" so I could rotate around the centre of the "axle". I added key frames every 60 frames of the animation incrementing the rotation by 180 degrees each key frame.

I also animated my camera to follow the ball through the tunnel and to the hole, and then zoom out into the sky.

  • Software used: Autodesk Maya

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