Thursday 13 October 2016


I started out by laying out the shapes that would make up a pool table with a few pool balls on it. I used a plane for the table surface and then added some spheres to the table and scaled them all to be 0.3 units. I also added sides to the table which I will texture with a wood image. I textured the table surface first with a green pool table texture on top of a Lambert material. 

I then decided to bump map the table surface in order to make it look more like a cloth and more realistic. A subtle 0.07 value of bump depth gives it a more realistic effect.

Textured [1] Before bump mapping

After bump mapping [2]

I then began to texture the pool balls, I would texture one, and then duplicate them and just change the map. I gave the pool balls a Phong material in order to make the pool balls look shiny.

I tried to experiment with the settings within the attributes editor in order to make the pool balls look realistic, I also adjusted the ambient light a little bit to try and help as well.

I then added textures to the sides of the pool table [4], I used a wood texture and applied a bump map to it as well. The wood didn't turn out as well as I hoped it would, I think the lighting made it look too bright and I'm not sure if the texture and the bump map work well together. To help the lighting issue on the wood, I turned down the diffuse value on the wood objects.

Final model

  • Software used: Autodesk Maya
  • [1] Table top texture:
  • [2] Cloth bump map:
  • [3] Wood bump map:
  • [4] Wood texture:
  • [5] 8 Ball texture:
  • [6] 9 Ball texture:
  • [7] 10 Ball texture:
  • [8] 14 Ball texture:
  • [9] 13 Ball texture:
Project Folder

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